Estonia 60-minute

of new prices


Average price in EUR
(last 60 days)

118.0084 ¢/kWh

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Energy retailers

Eesti Energia - Muutuv
"Price consists of exchange price, margin and a monthly fee"  (Please let us know if you have more exact details of what the prices and fees are)

220 Energia Börsihinnaga
  Estonian Hourly Market Price + 0.65 cents per kWh + €1.79 monthly fee

220 Energia - Börsihinnaga tagatisrahaga
  Estonian Hourly Market Price + 0.40 cents per kWh + €1.50 monthly fee

Alexela - Alexela Kodupakett
  Estonian Hourly Market Price + 0.00 cents per kWh + €3.99 monthly fee

VKG - Börsihinnaga pakett
"Price consists of exchange price, margin and a monthly fee"  (Please let us know if you have more exact details of what the prices and fees are)

Elenger - Exchange Package
  Estonian Hourly Market Price + 0.64 cents per kWh + €?? monthly fee + €?? taxes and grid fees

Terminal - Börsipakett

  Estonian Hourly Market Price + 0.407 cents per kWh + €0.99 monthly fee

Enefit - Exchange

  Estonian Hourly Market Price + 0.45 cents per kWh + €2.02 monthly fee + €?? Grid fees and taxes